About the School

The central motive of Vikas is to nurture each individuals talent not only in only in obtaining top grades but also in truly acquiring knowledge that will make them leaders and doers of the future.

Affiliation :

The School is affiliated to the S.S.C Board of Examinations with recognition granted by The Telangana Govt.

School Motto: 'Through Knowledge to Truth'

"The essence of knowledge is that it should lead us to truth. The path to knowledge should be honest, ethical and true, Truth itself is the ultimate knowledge of self, the microcosmic and macrocosmic world and of the great universal spirit".

Logo :

The sun, the source of light and sustenance, we equate with the light of knowledge and the bright effulgence of truth. The book and pencil, traditional symbols of learning are fused with modern learning tools represented by a computer.
'Vikas' means growth and development in all aspects of a child's life.

Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activites such as debates, quiz, oratory and elocution, poetry reading & public speaking & games.

Equal opportunity for each student to participate in the above-mentioned activities has been given by dividing the school into 4 houses named after 4 trees of South India. Yellow Flame, Gulmohur, Frangipani and Rain Tree, which are distinctive symbols of vibrant color, majesty, fragrance and beauty

School Motto:
Knowledge to Truth'

ISO 9001:2008 Certified School

Certified by
JAS-ANZ & Quest International