Students Corner - Your Route to Top - Vikas ...

We Give the Training, We Create Confidence ...

Choosing a school for your child may be the most important decision you’ll ever make. You want more than just a palace to study. You want to find a scholarly yet relaxed environment, where an exceptional faculty takes a personal interest in your child, outstanding academic facilities and resources support your efforts and your child’s interests and perspectives are stimulated. A dynamic school life and disciplined approach will make your child’s schooling a memorable experience.

Vikas High School is all of this and more ...

Vikas – Where the spirit of knowledge reigns supreme

The spirit of knowledge is a wonderful thing. It has motivated the great ages of civilization, compelling men to raise new questions and find fresh answers. It has inspired change, challenging the known as well as the great unknown. It is this questing spirit that has promoted us to establish Vikas High School in 1985.

For well over 26 years, we have sought to break fresh ground, question some existing attitudes and approaches to education. Yet we have combined traditional and modernity, the wisdom of experience with the fresh enthusiasm of youth, for knowledge in its entirety is of the past and present as well as the future.

The logo

The symbol of the sun, the source of light, we equate with the light of knowledge and brightness of truth. The book and pencil, age old symbols of learning are now fused with modern learning tools represented by a computer.

Our Belief

We are firm in our belief that, “there’s a reason to life! We can lift ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! “(Richard Bach).

Only through education and the acquisition of knowledge, can we be lifted out of the bonds of ignorance, poverty and narrow mindedness and be worthy of Shakespeare’s glorious praise of humanity, ‘what a piece of work is man!

Vikas High School, Hydrabad - Your Route to Top


Register Yourself

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Fun, Play, Learn


Exam Tips

1. Come to Exam Hall 15 mts earlier

Quiz Corner

1. When did India Launch its First Rocket?, Name, Where, Purpose

2. What is the Botanical Name of Lemon/Lime and its Medicinal Values

3. Mathenatical Derivation:

Adventure Activities

Participate In Interschool Athletic Meet

We Give the Training, We Create Confidence - Vikas High School, Hydrabad -